Harold B. Packer, in Eternal Marriage Student Manual, 87— Holland, in Eternal Marriage Student Manual, — Neal A. Luke ; Doctrine and Covenants — Hinckley, in Eternal Marriage Student Manual, Marvin J. James E. Faust, in Eternal Marriage Student Manual, Eliza R. Snow, in Eternal Marriage Student Manual, Matthew —27 ; Helaman Joseph B.
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Use the e-signature solution to e-sign the form. If after the first five questions they have not guessed that the triangle has something to do with marriage, give them a hint or two. Help them discover that the triangle represents the relationship between a husband, wife, and God. Write these words on the triangle in the proper place:. Point out that most people spend over two-thirds of their mortal life in marriage. The quality of this time here and in eternity depends to a great extent on how and whom we marry.
When the young men mention civil marriage, write on one side of the chalkboard, Civil Marriage: Contract for Time. When they mention marriage in the temple, write on the other side of the chalkboard, Celestial Marriage: Covenant for Eternity. As you discuss the following questions, write the responses under the proper heading. At the conclusion of the discussion, the chalkboard should look similar to the following:. Home, church, office, almost anywhere 2. Justice of the peace, minister, judge, bishop 3.
Until death 4. Single, servant to others 5. No claim on our family. Sacred sealing room in the temple 2. One having sealing power from the prophet of the Lord 3. For time and eternity 4. Gods and goddesses 5. A family unit forever. As a young man reads the following quotation, ask the quorum to think about how important it is to be married by the proper authority:.
No other man has the right to officiate in a marriage, or sealing ceremony, for time and all eternity, unless he has obtained the direct appointment from the one who holds the keys of this power" Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, comp.