Ensuring that highly able learners are recognized and subsequently served through systematic programming is of the highest priority. All teachers must be able to recognize a high-ability student who needs more depth and complexity in instruction or may need a referral for further assessment and services. Teachers in specialized programs for gifted learners or those who coordinate gifted and talented programs and services should be familiar with the theory, research, curriculum strategies, and educational practices necessary to develop and sustain high quality classroom-based opportunities for advanced student learning.
National standards for specialized programs and services , for gifted education teacher preparation, knowledge and skills for all teachers, and advanced standards in teacher preparation will help guide and improve teaching and deepen student learning.
These standards were updated in National programming standards assist school districts in examining the quality of their programs and services for gifted learners.
Recognizing that the ongoing evaluation and re-tooling of a successful gifted program is an evolutionary process, the NAGC Pre-K-Grade 12 Programming Standards detail a framework that focuses on student outcomes. Districts use the program standards both as mileposts for improving programs and services and as rubrics for evaluation.
It is critical that all teachers are able to recognize a high-ability student who may need more depth and complexity in instruction or be referred for further assessment and services. However, few general teacher preparation programs provide instruction on the needs of gifted and talented students, and as a result, the majority of teachers in classrooms today have not been trained to meet the learning needs of these students.
Read the standard for all teachers. National standards for gifted education teacher preparation programs reflect what the field of gifted education, led by NAGC, determines is essential for gifted education specialists to know and be able to do. The standards, which were developed with the Council for Exceptional Children, are the foundation for the knowledge and skills needed in teacher candidates in gifted and talented education.
Read the teacher preparation standards. Faculty in teacher preparation programs in gifted and talented education assume responsibility for the development of preK teachers who are well-prepared in recognizing and responding to the needs of gifted, talented, and high-potential students. Read the standards for faculty in these programs. Many educators in gifted education continue their professional growth toward mastery of advanced professional standards to help prepare them for leadership roles in gifted education.
The Advanced Standards lay out the knowledge and skills that teachers in gifted education should master as part of their preparation for advanced professional practice.
Read the advanced standards. The Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Education Programming Standards were developed with input from a variety of stakeholders and review of current research and best practice. The standards continue the focus on diversity and collaboration — two powerful principles that guide high quality programs and services.
The standards use student outcomes for goals, rather than teacher practices, keeping them in line with the thinking in education standards generally. Because these standards are grounded in theory, research, and practice paradigms, they provide an important base for all efforts on behalf of gifted learners at all stages of development. Introduction to Programming Standards.
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