Powerlite 8200i manual

Connecting the Audio Cable 1. Audio Audio port 2. Power Macintosh G3, G4, or Before beginning, turn off the projector and computer if they are on. Check with your dealer for future support. Page 31 Macintosh. To use the adapter, remove its cover as shown and set its DIP switches according to the resolution you want to use, such as inch mode.

Page 32 5. Page 33 Mac mouse or USB cable to the on the square end of the main cable. Mac serial cable Page 34 1. Connect the other end of the audio cable to the audio-out port on Setting Up the Projector the Effects buttons on the remote control, connect one end of the Before beginning, turn off the projector and computer if they are on.

For details, follow the steps below. See page 39 for instructions. Page 38 1. Connect the other end of the audio cable to the audio-out port on Setting Up the Projector Effects buttons on the remote control, connect one end of the Page Making Other Computer Connections 3. Note that the projector will then be able to detect only one type of video signal.

The projector can receive composite video, S-Video, or component video. Insert the other end into the S-Video S-video-out port of your video source. Page 44 Setting Up the Projector Page Using The Projector Using the on-screen help Shutting down the projector Turning On Your Equipment Make sure your projector and other equipment are set up and connected correctly, as described in Chapter 1.

Connect the other end to a grounded electrical outlet. The power 3. Remove the lens cap. Allow a few seconds for the projector to sync up after pressing the button. Try restarting your computer. Follow these steps: 1. From the Apple menu, select 2. Page 49 On most systems, the between the LCD screen and the projector, or display on both at the same time.

Allow a few seconds for the projector to sync up after pressing it. You can resize the image to fit the resolution of your projector. Press the knob to make it pop out; then turn it clockwise or counterclockwise to move the lens up or down. Page Adjusting The Image Shape 2. Raise or lower the projector until the image is where you want it. Release the levers to lock the feet in the new position and set the projector down gently.

To fine-tune the height of the projector, turn the feet. Turn them clockwise to raise the projector and counterclockwise to lower it. You can use it to or rear sensor. Power Freeze First make sure you have connected the mouse cable between the projector and your computer with the main cable, as described in Chapter 1.

Press the left side of the Resize Using the Projector To move the mouse pointer on the screen, aim the remote at the screen and press on the edge of the thumb. Or, grasp it between your thumb and finger. This button works like the mouse button on many laptop keyboards. Page Controlling The Projector Chapter 1. Page Stopping Action 1. Press the 2. Using the Projector Press the button to stop the action and keep the current Freeze image on the screen.

You can use these features to annotate your presentation slides or call attention to your most important points. You can choose from three types of stamps. Page Spotlighting Your Image 3. To cancel the bar drawing feature, press on the remote on the remote control. A note You can change the color and width of the bars using the Effect menu. Using the Projector Power is cut off because of an internal problem.

The lamp is almost burned out. This is a good time to replace it. See Chapter 4 for instructions. Page Using The On-Screen Help Using the On-Screen Help If you have a problem while setting up or using your projector, you can get help by pressing the blue projector or the remote control.

The following choices are available: Help for the image Tells you how to solve problems with a blank screen, blurry Page Shutting Down The Projector When the projector has cooled, the orange light stays on and the exhaust fan shuts off.

If you want to turn the projector on again, wait until the orange light stops flashing. Then press the turn off the projector. This chapter covers the Page 67 When you highlight a menu, its options are shown on the right. Page 68 7. Press the 8.

Press the The options available in each of the menus are described below. Fine-tuning the Projector to select it. The highlight moves to the first option for that menu. The options available in the menu depend on which source is connected to the projector: computer, composite RCA video, S-video, or BNC component video.

Video Position Page Video Menu Specifies the input resolution. In most cases, this setting should be left at the Auto setting to allow the projector to automatically detect the video signal. Reviews Projectors Screens Accessories. Projector Database 11, Projector Forums Login. Large Venue Classroom Interactive Conference.

Find a Projector. Classroom Interactive Portable. Throw Calculator. Epson PowerLite i Projector. When you use the remote, you can locate the projector and computer far enough from the screen to get a large image, without worrying about where you stand. This lets you move around the room and interact with your audience, while still controlling your presentation.

This is especially useful when the source of your presentation is a laptop. The instructions in these sections explain how to connect your computer to the Computer 1 port using the computer video cable.

After connecting your equipment, follow the instructions in Chapter 2 to turn on the projector and other components. Follow the steps in each section for the cables you need to connect. Before beginning, turn off the projector and computer if they are on. For details, follow the steps below. Computer configurations vary. See your computer manual for the location of the ports needed to connect your projector. Disconnect the monitor cable from the video port on the back of your computer.

This is useful when you need to see the presentation but the projection screen is behind you. If necessary, use the tip of a ballpoint pen to slide it over. Connect the other end of the.

Tighten the screws on the connectors. Connect the other end of the serial cable to the serial port on the back of your computer. Laptop configurations vary. See page 39 for instructions. Audio port.

Macintosh configurations vary. Check with your dealer for future support. You may not need to use the adapters as shown. Macintosh desktop adapter if needed. Monitor Out port. Disconnect the monitor cable from the video port on the back of the Macintosh.

See your Macintosh documentation for instructions. Replace the cover and connect the adapter to the free end of the computer video cable. Then plug the cable with the adapter into the video port on your Macintosh. Connect the other end of the Mac serial cable to the printer or modem port on the back of your Macintosh. Connect the other end of the audio cable to the audio-out port on your computer. Your Macintosh laptop must have video-out capability in order to connect to the projector.

See your PowerBook manual for the port locations if necessary. Some older PowerBooks may need a Macintosh desktop adapter included with your projector and a special video-out cable available from Apple. Check your PowerBook manual to determine the type of connections needed. Connect the other end of the cable to the video-out port or monitor port on your Macintosh. To use the adapter, remove its cover as shown and set its DIP switches according to the resolution you want to use, such as inch mode.

If your Macintosh requires a video-out cable, connect its larger end to the adapter, as shown below. Then plug the video-out cable into the video port on your Macintosh.

See page 42 for instructions. Welcome to ManualMachine. We have sent a verification link to to complete your registration. Log In Sign Up. Forgot password? Enter your email address and check your inbox.

Please check your email for further instructions. Enter a new password. PowerLite i. Copyright Notice All rights reserved. Unpacking the Projector. Customizing Projector Features. Important Safety Instructions. Getting More Information Need tips on giving presentations? Warranty and Registration Your projector comes with a basic carry-in warranty as well as an international warranty that let you project with confidence anywhere in the world.

An Index is provided at the end of the manual. For more information, see your Acrobat Reader online guide. Unpacking the Projector Make sure you have all the parts shown on the next page. Installing Batteries in the Remote Control The remote control operates the projector and lets you access its Effects features.

Follow these steps to install the batteries: 1. Replace the battery compartment cover. Positioning the Projector Before connecting the projector, you need to decide where to place it. See page 4. Computer 1 VGA port computer video cable.


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