S at AM No comments:. Hi 4 Love, Since we have a class library now, I would like to see you giving comments and opinions on the the books that you have read. I want every one to post a book review at the Gmlites, Term 2 English. Mrs Chia S. Hi 4 Lv, I have set up a wiki in term 2 English Gmlites for all of you to complete your work. I put you into groups of 4.
Each pair in a group works on a theory why dinosaurs became extinct. After that , each pair writes a theory in the main explanation of your explanation text.
If both pairs are writing the same theory, just need to merge them into 1 explanation. Use the flowchart to organise your explanation.
I have uploaded 2 flowcharts that some of you sent to me in class, to the PBwiki. Please go and retrieve it. Evan October 27, at AM Anonymous said Hey Mr. C, I got 49 bananas! Graham October 27, at PM Con said I got 76 bananas, but it took me a while!
October 27, at PM Anonymous said Sarah October 27, at PM Anonymous said C, I got 56 banana's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
October 28, at PM Anonymous said Hay Mr. C I got 45 bannanas! Emma October 29, at PM Anonymous said My high score is 68 bannanna's marni November 1, at PM Anonymous said I got53 bannanas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! November 1, at PM Jacob's Mom said Selzler November 4, at PM Anonymous said Good job everybody! Katie January 13, at PM Anonymous said Newer Post Older Post Home. Teachers, use the Short Address.
This short address will bring you back to this page. It is shorter to write in documents to reference this link. To use the lists feature, first Sign up for free. How have you used this link in your classroom?
Share your teaching ideas or leave a review about this link. Sign in to leave a comment. Students have one go at a time and I total the bananas found over a series of lessons.