When is your project with Menno will finalize? Lastly, would you tweak anything regarding my program? My strenght increased and I gained muscle mass while losing fat. I loved Hycocks ideas, but I felt that hst had too little volume for me. My last bia reported I lost 3 kg I lost 1,8 kg of fat I lost 1,2 lt of water but I increased a little intracellular water I gained 0,7kg of cell mass and gained of muscle mass!!!!!!!
Thank for your suggestions and thank you for your articles on muscle growth. I wonder how I lost 3 kg on the scale! Awesome results! BIA is somewhat unreliable as you are probably aware of, but I have no doubts that you have done some great recomposition. I would advise that you raise your calories on training days, thought.
Any general modifications you would suggest for a 50 year old, or just go with 3 sets 3 days a week, see how I recover and adjust from there? Other than that, you can, contrary to popular belief, maintain both frequency and volume — it may even be better for the connective tissue with its lower blood flow to maintain some type of training on a daily basis.
Today I read your article on diet. Then I read a couple of researches showing the benefit of fasting. For years I advocated to consume more carbs on night, post workout, while reducing cals and carbs during the first hours of the day I suggest to starve up to lunch time. Are these conflicting informations or not? IMO, no! Thank you for your attention and sorry for my english. The study looks at protein synthesis in isolation, and there is no research showing that this will lead to more muscle mass in the long term.
It may very well just be an artifact of the fasting period preceding the workout, a compensatory reaction to rebuild lost amino acids in the free amino acid pool — which you probably also know is recycled during autophagy. Considering my bia, I lost 1. BIA is completely unreliable. Borge, you suggest to train every day considering that anabolic response to workout especially in trained people is very short.
Sometimes 16 hours or less. Training every day can reduce muscle growth. Bret Contreras and Brad Schoenfeld, for example, says that training before SRA curve is back to baseline can reduce muscle gains, if not leading to muscle loss. Brayn haycock, years ago, instead, said that the muscle can add an anabolic stimulus to an anabolic stimulus. This is a fundamentally foreign idea to most, if not all, bodybuilders.
The SRA curve is not how muscle recovers and grows, and there is nothing to suggest that you need to hold off on training a muscle until it is fully recovered. The limitations in applying overload to a muscle is primarily neural excessive stress may cause the CNS to downregulate neural drive and connective tissue which has a slower turnover rate than muscle , so there could very well be reasons to lower training frequency.
Having said that, if a lifter has a more prolonged anabolic response — and thus, is a less advanced lifter, there would be no need for a high training frequency. At this level, a very slight overload would lead to a significant training effect, so I would rather have you do lighter technique practice if you absolutely wanted to do more volume or frequency. I was wondering if the same rule should be applied to 3. According to bryan, supercompensation and GAS has nothing to do with muscle growth.
This idea, first described in the mids by a Russian scientist named Yakovlev, was used to explain glycogen replenishment in the liver. It had nothing to do with muscle hypertrophy. The whole concept is just a gross misunderstanding and misapplication of the research and human physiology. Nevertheless, it became the foundation for traditional bodybuilding routines. Can you give me the link, please? Or can you tell me your nick name, so i can google it? If you got a program where you want to do sets of 3, 5 and 8, would you recommend doing one range at the time or change from one workout to the next?
There is no good data showing how often rep ranges need to be varied, but I personally find DUP daily to be better than WUP weekly , as it also allows different exercises for different rep ranges. He also added that you discovered the same thing as him. That was in reference to my own joint health. I have osteoarthritic hips — both hereditary and from decades of heavy lifting — so I needed to reduce my own training frequency to allow inflammation from each workout to dissipate. High frequency training is, in general, better for joint health — given that you vary between heavier and lighter loads.
One of my more productive training templates for advanced clients is rotating between both rep ranges and exercises for the same muscle groups, daily training. Do you make any change in weekly volume? I mean: you suggest o reps per day, that means reps per week for a person training 6 x week. I usually prescribe volume with sets close to failure. In a given day you would be fine with anywhere from sets per muscle groups more sets if you train submaximally, e.
As you get more advanced you would increase frequency to achieve a higher weekly volume. Do you implement some other form of auto-regulation for heavier weights? I would really love to know how your thoughts evolved on this subject I mean auto-regulation methods.
That said, I sincerely hope you publish something training related for the international market. Judging from this comment section only, there are tons of people who would be interested. See the study comparing 5 sets of 5 reps vs. It would mean sets per muscle group at most for someone training times a week. I was afraid that training six days in a row for an intermediate lifter could be too much. By the way, I completely agree on your stance on very high training frequency and it also matches my quite consistent experience with it.
Borge, in their recent papers, Mike Israetel and Brad Schoenfeld suggest that weekly volume is more important than frequency. Thanks for nothing author, you pedantic fake. Used by Dorian Yates himself.
Oh my……. Thank you for that Slade, Broscience is strong in you! You discussed joined and tendon health in the comments, an i have done similar experiences. What is your experience with that and approach to solve it? Are we talking about the same thing here? Borge, I was curious if you think a novice could do an entire program based around myoreps philosophy.
So if for instance Monday would be bench press, squats and rows. Each would be 1 set of myoreps aiming for say quality reps. Then either add reps or weight and keep re-doing this set-up over and over in a linear progression model.
Yes, I have a beginner program in Norwegian using Myo-reps only. Will see about getting it translated as soon as possible, just been crazy busy. Yes, as Zourdos et al. I know what the study says, but I have confirmed this on my advanced clients doing daily training and high frequency. Which is your opinion about cluster set? Yes, I use them all the time, and I think no matter what your goals are you should use every tool in your arsenal if it will eliminate weaknesses or limitations.
They work well. Where medium is hypertrophy range, light is myo reps and heavy is I think power day is something light, so i would put them after heavy days.. Do you vary your exercise selection and rep ranges every workout? Not sure how to setup something like this. Also, sorry had one more question. Followed by myo rep assistance. It is inferior to antagonistic pairing of sets e.
Day 1 Myo rep activation repeating Day 2 Heavy reps sets Day 3 Moderate reys sets repeat. I tend to use a linear approach these days, so weeks of higher reps and Myo-reps depending on the client , weeks of heavier, lower rep training. An interesting question I have is, is it superior to use a Medium Light Heavy setup throughout the week with each rep range having its own day, or incorporating each rep range into every workout. For example:. This is of course just a simple example, but is there any evidence one is superior to the other?
Or is it just a matter of preference? There are reasons to believe that separating the stimuli is better than mixing them, i. I keep them separate in the majority of my programs. Day 1 Myo rep activation repeating Day 2 Heavy reps sets Day 3 Moderate reys sets repeat cycle, i. It will depend on how you load this. Going beyond 3 hard sets or so per workout may be excessive unless you have gradually worked up to this level over time.
Working some exercises submaximally and lifts hard will work better. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Skip to content Borge 09 May , Comments Training.
Oh, and most importantly: Have Fun…so that you would want to do all of the above long enough for it to matter… Link to article in German…. At a crossroads. Better chest training. Daz Reply May 10, at Borge Reply May 11, at Ryan Reply May 11, at I think of training in this way: Tier 1 exercises: main lift squat, bench, deadlift, chin, row, etc. Tier 3 exercises: vanity isolation bicep curls etc The goal is to work downwards, with emphasis placed on the big tier 1 exercise.
Borge Reply May 13, at Daz Reply May 14, at Aaron Reply May 11, at Hey Borge, great article. Mitch Tate Reply May 11, at Cron Reply May 11, at Mats Reply May 13, at Aaron Reply May 13, at Borge Reply May 14, at Christian Reply May 16, at Hi Borge, As other have said; great article. Thanks for your input and all the great online resources!
Borge Reply May 16, at Aaron Reply May 18, at Borge Reply May 19, at Aaron Reply May 19, at Chins and rows can be done heavy, of course. Tjark Reply May 19, at Aaron Reply May 21, at Borge Reply May 22, at Sam Reply May 27, at Great article borge!
Trying to work in myo reps and hypertrophy strengh training. Borge Reply May 28, at Daz Reply May 29, at Borge Reply May 30, at Sam Reply May 29, at Been debating both… Thanks a bunch! Sam Reply May 30, at Sam Reply May 31, at Brian Reply June 1, at Hello Borge, Long time reader of your blog and very appreciative. Borge Reply June 2, at Brian Reply June 8, at Thanks much for the response, Borge. Borge Reply June 8, at Sam Reply June 2, at Mats Reply June 15, at Maybe its better if you could be so kind to post an example on a routine instead?
Best, Mats. Borge Reply June 15, at Look at my comment on May 28th. Mats Reply June 16, at Sure, I understand. Anyways; thanks for posting quality information. Bobby Reply June 16, at Borge Reply June 23, at Tjark Reply June 21, at Daz Reply June 22, at Thank you for the kind words. John Reply June 27, at Hello Borge! Thanks john. Borge Reply June 28, at Massimo B.
Reply July 11, at Borge Reply July 11, at Reply July 12, at BeHuge Reply July 14, at Borge Reply July 15, at Bobby Reply July 15, at Borge your preferred split? Zach Reply July 16, at Borge Reply July 16, at Wayne Reply July 16, at With mins rest between sets, yes all the time. Or antagonistic pairings with mins of rest. Sam Reply July 22, at Borge Reply July 23, at The difference in what way specifically? Sam Reply July 23, at ForeverHuge Reply July 28, at Borge Reply July 29, at ForeverHuge Reply July 29, at Marc Reply August 2, at Hi Borge, This was a great article.
Thanks, Marc. Borge Reply August 2, at Sam Reply August 2, at Your brand. Borge Reply August 3, at Sam Reply August 6, at Trying something with your split you recommend Myo Repeat rest days when needed? Borge Reply August 8, at Borge Reply August 14, at Steve Reply August 8, at Thanks Steve. Steve Reply August 9, at Sam S Reply August 14, at Thanks borge for the post this and the reignite article are pretty interesting. Like it gotta keep volume and mobility in check thought.
Sam Reply August 17, at Borge Reply August 17, at Thanks Borge. Jim Reply August 21, at Borge Reply August 21, at I would say 2 sets is plenty, and I will often start someone out with only 1 set. Brandon W Reply August 22, at Borge Reply August 22, at Borge Reply August 23, at Jerry Sangamon Reply August 24, at Schedule a discovery call with us to make sure the program is right for you.
We'll do an assessment of your health and well-being to minimize any risks and create your personalized plan.
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