But we had no way to gauge it. Our biggest spike was our launch. We hired a PR company to help us get blog and review coverage, which more or less worked, but our second week of sales declined by half and it continued to drop from there.
It was disappointing, but not really surprising. But again, sales fell back to baseline afterwards — although having an extra platform in the mix kept our total baseline sales from declining further. After year 1, we expected our best days were behind us and our future sales would follow the same gradual decline.
But surprisingly, our sales stopped declining, and even increased somewhat. So what made the difference? One unquantifiable factor is that in May , eight months after launch, we finally added support for 4-player co-op still local only.
When we noticed this, it gave us the idea to make a Steam bundle featuring us and some other local co-op party games. Steam gave us great placement, and the resulting spike was almost as good as our launch. Throughout our second year we also slowly increased our discount percentage during sales.
Once activated they split into three smaller satellites which actively chase your ship, and generally move a bit faster, so you'll want to make sure you keep your distance. The smaller satellites also split when they're shot, this time into two very small and fast moving satellites that can quickly surround and destroy your ship if you don't keep your wits about you.
These are very much worth destroying though because, as well as yielding at least points multiplied by the number of hits it took to destroy them , in the modern game variant they sometimes drop power-ups.
Something else not common in most asteroids games are power-ups, though they have appeared in some, such as Blasteroids. In Shoot The Rocks they are sometimes dropped when you destroy flying saucers or small satellites by shooting them. They are never dropped when asteroids are destroyed, nor are they dropped if flying saucers or satellites are destroyed by collisions with other objects, or if they're shot by other flying saucers.
In Shoot The Rocks, power-ups exclusively upgrade your firepower. They will either increase your rate of fire, increase the number of shots you fire at once multiple shots are fired in a spread pattern , or both. Your normal rate of fire is rounds per minute, but power-ups can take this up to rounds per minute for short periods of time. In addition they can allow you to fire up to 5 shots simultaneously, which means you'll be putting out rounds per minute.
This is a truly devastating amount of firepower that can put paid to even the most devastating asteroid and alien onslaughts. Worth pointing out that top-end power-ups are uncommon though, so grab what you can, when you can. Like almost any other asteroids game, scoring in Shoot The Rocks is fairly straightforward. There is one difference that you won't find in most other versions of Asteroids, which is that a multiplier is applied to the score based on how many shots it took to destroy whatever you just killed.
For example, large asteroids are usually worth 20 points, but if it took 2 shots to destroy the asteroid rather than the usual 1, a multipler of 2 would be applied. This would mean that in this case destroying the large asteroid would net you 40 points.
The table below details the base scores for all objects in Shoot The Rocks, which follow the lead of both the original Asteroids, and Asteroids Deluxe. See this video to get a look at the score table on an original Asteroids Deluxe arcade machine.
I hope you enjoy this take on Asteroids and do please feel free to get in touch with any feedback. Unlike almost all web-based games in the past, which used Flash, arcade. This new planet list allows you to keep track of the planets you've already found so that when you go back to colonize them later, they're much easier to find. Ship Leveling Win battles and survey anomalies to level up your vessels!
Most ships will gain additional hit points as they gain experience and Mercenary Ships will improve based on their existing abilities, which makes them a lot more relevant in the late game. Star Information Window Click on a star to see all colonizable worlds within that system. Organize your empire by renaming stars with your own name scheme - or, draw inspiration from your favorite Sci-Fi series! Multiplayer Improvements Enjoy new stability in your games online with friends! The game has been updated to allow for increased ship movement during multiplayer matches and a host of fixes for issues that could cause desyncs.
Join the conversation over at Steam. For more information on v1. Uncolonized Planets lists out the planets you've discovered but haven't colonized yet. Both sections are collapsible and are independently sorted. Improved Multiplayer experience Refactored movement and events systems to reduce the number of stuck turns and desyncs during multiplayer. Once a planet is claimed you can build mines, turrets, electricity, satellites, and a shield on it Shops At shops you can purchase extra abilities for your spaceship, including: -Ship Turrets: automaticly shoot at nearby players -Speed Boost: temporary speed boost -Invisibility: temporary invisibility -Bullet Penetration: space ship bullets go through multiple objects and damage each one space-base.
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