Autocad introduction tutorial

Zoom Extents. Zoom Object. The shortcut for using Zoom command is. Z Command. Rotate mouse wheel. ZOOM Command. All of the above. If AutoCAD is displaying length of a line as Display of length has nothing to do with precision. The default workspace in AutoCAD is.

AutoCAD Classic. Right click and select PAN from contextual menu. PAN command. Press and hold middle mouse button. Introduction to AutoCAD. Part 2 — Basic draw commands. Which symbol can be used to specify angle for making an inclined line? AutoCAD circle flyout on draw panel offers how many ways to make a circle? Which option will you use to make a circle which is tangent to a line and circle and has certain radius value. Tangent, tangent, radius circle. Tangent, tangent, tangent circle. What is the command for starting rectangle.

The shortcut for starting polyline command is. What is the maximum number of sides with which a polygon can be made in AutoCAD. There is no limitation on number of sides. In the image shown here, the polygon is inscribed or circumscribed about the green circle?

Is it possible to make a rectangle with fillets on all four vertices? Can you use Polygon tool to make a polygon with a known edge length without using inscribed or circumscribed circle as a reference? To make the arc as shown in the image here which Arc command can be most effectively used?

Three Point Arc. Start End Radius. Center Start End. Center Start Length. Creating Drawing Quiz. Part 3 — Basic modify commands. State true or false: It is not possible to make a linear array with copy command.

State true or false: An object is selected only if the crossing window or polygon completely encloses it. In the image shown here, what is the offset distance between both the closed geometries? To reduce the size of an object to half of its initial value using SCALE command the scale factor would be? Submit Next Question. By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Forgot Password? This website or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary to its functioning and required to achieve the purposes illustrated in the cookie policy.

By closing this banner, scrolling this page, clicking a link or continuing to browse otherwise, you agree to our Privacy Policy. Introduction to AutoCAD. Popular Course in this category. Course Price View Course. Free Design Course. That being said, you will need all you've learned earlier, not to mention the TRIM command that is an unavoidable command when working on a project in AutoCAD. A complex image will be provided with this session, and you will have to use commands that you might find appropriate to solve different issues that will arise.

A skeleton image will be provided to help you Analyze the exercise. Here a little bit of all we've learned earlier will be needed. An image is provided and you will be required to use a sense of analysis to be able to complete it. You can decide to use the UCS command here if you like. This session will restrict that choice. Here is one the most difficult session. You will also be taught how to create a perfect star in AutoCAD.

If you have learned how to proper use the Polar Tracking mode, this one will be a piece of cake. Nevertheless, it will help you make sure you have mastered it. Here is a session that will show you there is not only commands that do the job for you in AutoCAD. You will have to learn how to read a design and be able to easily replicate it using commands you will choose to make use of without being told or shown. In this Session, you are not taught what to do, but you are rather given an assignment that will make you use the command you have already made use of.

A skeleton image will be provided to help you. Here is a place where you will be pushed to asses the knowledge you've earned in DAY If you have not mastered what was shown in DAY 11, this one will not be an easy one to accomplish. You will have to know how to use the MIRROR command, and know how to manipulate lines to come out with happy with this relatively complex design.

Here you will learn how to work on complex and bushy project.


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