Destination Colorspace controls the color space in which colors are specified in the output file. RGB is the default and is appropriate for on-screen viewing and printing to inkjet or laser printers. CMYK mode is intended for commerical print production, when your output will be sent to a print shop. If you want to compress the vector portions of your PDF to produce a smaller output file, check the Compress Vector Graphics option. Adaptive mode produces the smallest file size but may produce compression artifacts on the export image.
For lossless compression of raster images in the PDF, use Deflate mode. The Embed All Document Fonts option allows you to include the fonts that are used within the document itself.
This allows the PDF to look the same when opened on any platform that supports PDF viewing, even if the platform does not have the document's fonts installed. This is the default and should usually be used. When Data Driven Pages are enabled in your map document and ArcMap is set to layout view, the Pages tab provides access to the options that control Data Driven Pages export.
The arcpy. It can also modify PDF documents. Using the arcpy. You can use a simple arcpy. Follow these steps to encrypt a PDF document and protect it with the example password secret.
Export a map to PDF format and note the export file's location on disk. PDF files exported from ArcMap can include advanced functionality in addition to their usage as a graphic interchange format.
PDF files can contain layers from the ArcMap table of contents so that users can enable and disable the visibility of layers and graphic elements on the PDF page. PDF files exported from ArcMap can also include attributes for GIS features as well as georeference information for each map data frame.
This example report on endangered aquatic species in Canada was created in ArcGIS Pro and then packaged in a custom print service. As you select features or filter them with a definition query, the other content in the report dynamically updates. This makes it easy to quickly reproduce professional-quality reports for different geographical areas and data sets while maintaining a consistent look and organization.
Here, we selected several areas of the St. Lawrence River centered around beautiful Riviere-du-Loup, Quebec. The first page of our report above included the map, legend, reference inset, and other textual elements. The second page below contains a table that shows each of the aquatic species at risk within our selected features.
Had we instead selected areas around the Bay of Fundy, our map and table elements in the printed report would have described those selected features. While reports are really useful on their own in ArcGIS Pro, they can also give an extra dimension to your web applications. Embedding a report in a print service allows it to function as an available template for printing in your app. Anyone using the app can set a specific map extent and then print a report, with its non-map elements describing that map extent, in the same format automatically.
There is no generic report template available to embed — this is because reports are bound to a specific data schema. The layers with which you associate elements in the report must contain field names that match the field names you use in the report. This workflow makes use of a custom ArcPy script tool.
Download the zip file linked above and unzip it on your machine. Learn more. Close and Don't Remind. Back to results. Print Share. Content feedback is currently offline for maintenance. Please try again in a few minutes. Is This Content Helpful? Back to top. ArcGIS BUG - At Download the appropriate file to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.
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