The term was coined in by Wayne C. Booth in The Rhetoric of Fiction. Most often unreliable narrators are first-person narrators, but sometimes third-person narrators can also be unreliable.
TYPES: bildungsroman - from the German meaning novel roman of educational development bildungs ; kunstlerroman - novel of artistic awakening; epistolary - a novel written in the form of letters which was very popular in the late 18th c with the emergence of the novel; novel of manners - the novels of the early 19th c in which people are expected to follow guidelines for behavior or think of Downtown Abbey, if you are a fan ; novella - a short novel, longer than a short story; gothic novel -.
Personification can be a form of metaphor. While the above definition is not entirely accurate for our purposes, it does most closely approximate our literary definition. In literature, a movement that championed imagination and emotions as more powerful than reason and systematic thinking.
So was nature. Romanticism began in the mid's as a. Although satire is usually meant to be funny, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit as a weapon. A common feature of satire is strong irony or sarcasm—"in satire, irony is militant"[2]—but parody, burlesque, exaggeration,[3] juxtaposition, comparison, analogy, and double entendre are all frequently used in satirical speech and writing.
A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things through some connective, usually "like", "as", "than", or a verb such as "resembles". Poems have speakers; other forms of literature have narrators. The tone of a poem, a novel, a play, or an essay is most like the tone of the human voice as it projects the emotions of the speaker.
Thus, the tone of a literary work may be joyful, sad, brooding, angry, playful, and so on. Remember our exercise when we repeated the sentence, "She got married. The trochee is the opposite of the iamb - the two syllable combination has a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable.
Just as "iambic" is the adjective form of iamb, trochaic is the adjective form of trochee. In AP Lit terms, verisimilitude is the quality of approaching real life behavior, attitudes.
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